Premium Peanut Porridge | Ca.Nuts Brand

Sale priceR$ 22,90
In stock
Packaging: 500g

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Premium Peanut Porridge | Ca.Nuts Brand

About this item

  • Discover the Versatility and Benefits of Ca.Nuts Peanut Xerém: Ca.Nuts Peanut Xerém is a versatile and nutritious ingredient, perfect for enriching your daily recipes. Made with selected peanuts, our xerém offers a delicious combination of flavor and health, ideal for those seeking a balanced and tasty diet.
  • Benefits of Peanut Xerém:
  • 1 - Rich in Protein: Peanut butter is an excellent source of vegetable protein, essential for building and repairing muscles.
  • 2 - Healthy Fats: Contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which help keep the heart healthy and control cholesterol levels.
  • 3 - Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which are essential for several bodily functions.
  • Recommended Use: Versatile Cooking: Add Ca.Nuts Peanut Xerém to salads, risottos, farofas and main dishes for a crunchy and nutritious touch.

Market comparison:

Ca.Nuts and Competition Differentiators:

Our quality is impeccable and our products are certified and have high quality control.

Quality control


Competition: Low quality control.

Fresh products


Competition: No, they are usually exposed.

Long Shelf Life


Competition: Short validity

Competitive Price


Competition: Low prices due to poor quality.


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