Ca.Nuts Premium Grape Flour

Sale priceR$ 27,90 Regular priceR$ 31,90
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Packaging: 500g

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About this item

  • The Power of Grapes in Every Spoonful: Ca.Nuts Grape Flour is made from the best selected grapes, carefully processed to preserve all their nutritional properties. With a slightly sweet flavor and a fine texture, it is perfect for adding a special touch to your favorite recipes.
  • Benefits of Premium Grape Flour for the Human Body:
  • 1 - Rich in Antioxidants: Grapes are known for their high antioxidant content, which help fight free radicals and prevent cellular aging.
  • 2 - Anti-inflammatory Action: The compounds present in grapes have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • 3 - Strengthening the Immune System: The nutrients present in grape flour, such as vitamins and minerals, help to strengthen the immune system, keeping the body protected against diseases.
  • Usage Recommendations:
  • A: Smoothies and Juices: Add a tablespoon or two to your smoothies or juices for a nutritional boost and fruity flavor.
  • B: Breads and Cakes: Replace part of the wheat flour with grape flour in your bread and cake recipes for a special and nutritious touch.
  • C: Desserts: Use grape flour to create innovative and nutritious desserts, such as pies, muffins and cereal bars.

Market comparison:

Ca.Nuts and Competition Differentiators:

Our quality is impeccable and our products are certified and have high quality control.

Quality control


Competition: Low quality control.

Fresh products


Competition: No, they are usually exposed.

Long Shelf Life


Competition: Short validity

Competitive Price


Competition: Low prices due to poor quality.


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