Ca.Nuts Premium Sweet Potato Flour

Sale priceR$ 21,90
In stock
Packaging: 200g

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About this item

  • Delicious Nutrition in Every Serving: Ca.Nuts Sweet Potato Flour offers a delicious and versatile way to add nutrients to your daily diet. Made from high-quality sweet potatoes, this flour is naturally sweet and rich in essential nutrients to promote your health and well-being.
  • Premium Quality and Authentic Taste: Our sweet potato flour is carefully processed and packaged to ensure freshness and quality in every package. Harvested in its purest, most natural state, you can trust Ca.Nuts to provide high-quality sweet potato flour for your culinary needs.
  • Benefits of Sweet Potato Flour for the Body:
  • 1 - Source of Healthy Carbohydrates: Sweet potato flour is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly by the body, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day.
  • 2 - Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamins A, C, and B complex, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron, which are essential for various metabolic processes and the overall health of the body.
  • 3 - High Fiber Content: Sweet potato flour contains dietary fiber that helps promote digestive health, prevent constipation and maintain a feeling of fullness, thus aiding in weight management and controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Add Nutrition and Flavor to your Routine with Sweet Potato Flour from Ca.Nuts - Buy Now and Discover the Benefits of this Super Food for your Health!

Market comparison:

Ca.Nuts and Competition Differentiators:

Our quality is impeccable and our products are certified and have high quality control.

Quality control


Competition: Low quality control.

Fresh products


Competition: No, they are usually exposed.

Long Shelf Life


Competition: Short validity

Competitive Price


Competition: Low prices due to poor quality.


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