Ca.Nuts Premium Natural Oat Bran

Sale priceR$ 13,90 Regular priceR$ 15,20
Save R$ 1,30
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Packaging: 500g

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About this item

  • Imagine starting your day with a diet rich in fiber, energy and flavor, transforming your meals into true moments of self-care. Ca.Nuts Premium Oat Bran is the perfect choice for those seeking a healthy, balanced and vital life. With a smooth texture and natural flavor, it is the ideal complement to add a nutritious touch to various recipes, while providing countless health benefits.
  • Being one of the most complete sources of fiber, Ca.Nuts Oat Bran is a true treasure for the well-being of the body. Whether it's to maintain satiety, improve digestion or balance cholesterol levels, this premium bran is an essential item in your kitchen. Best of all? It adapts easily to a variety of meals, from breakfast to snacks and desserts. With Ca.Nuts, you have quality and flavor in every spoonful.
  • Why choose Ca.Nuts Premium Oat Bran?
  • 1 - Rich in fiber – Oat bran is known for being one of the best sources of soluble and insoluble fiber, essential for good intestinal function and a feeling of satiety for longer.
  • 2 - Helps with weight control – The fibers present in oat bran help maintain satiety, controlling appetite throughout the day and contributing to a more balanced diet.
  • Benefits of Oat Bran for the human body: Improves digestion – The soluble fibers in oat bran form a gel in the intestine that helps with food digestion, regulating intestinal transit and preventing problems such as constipation.
  • Recommendations for use:
  • A - Nutritious breakfast: Add Ca.Nuts Premium Oat Bran to your yogurt, fruit, smoothies or porridge to ensure a start to the day full of energy and fiber.
  • B - In homemade recipes: Use oat bran in bread dough, cakes, pies and even cookies to increase the nutritional value of your recipes, without sacrificing flavor.

Market comparison:

Ca.Nuts and Competition Differentiators:

Our quality is impeccable and our products are certified and have high quality control.

Quality control


Competition: Low quality control.

Fresh products


Competition: No, they are usually exposed.

Long Shelf Life


Competition: Short validity

Competitive Price


Competition: Low prices due to poor quality.



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